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Courses & Enrollment

Core Cannabis begins it all.

  • Core Cannabis Course

    Core Cannabis teaches cannabinoids and terpenes.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Teaches the 25 most important cannabinoids from cannabis.
    • Teaches the eight most common terpenes from cannabis.
    • Includes a research review of newly discovered CBDP and THCP
    • Includes a research review of the Super Class Terpenes.
    • Includes dozens of study summaries from 2022 and 2023.
    • Includes unlimited email support.
    • This course involves a three-month enrollment period.
    • The required prerequisite for all of our other courses.
  • Cannabis for Anxiety

    This seminar teaches the latest cannabis for anxiety studies
    Valid for 3 months
    • One dozen homework assignments, including review.
    • Based entirely on peer-reviewed scientific research studies.
    • Easy to understand homework written in plain English.
    • Developed specifically for cannabis industry professionals.
    • Higher Learning LV's least expensive training assets.
    • A great way to sample our premium on-demand content.
    • Perfect for students and those on a tight budget.
    • Enrollment includes three months of access.
  • Cannabis for Cancer

    This seminar teaches the latest cannabis for cancer research
    Valid for 3 months
    • One dozen homework assignments, including review.
    • Based entirely on peer-reviewed scientific research studies.
    • Easy to understand articles written in plain English.
    • Developed specifically for cannabis industry professionals.
    • Higher Learning LV's least expensive training assets.
    • A great way to sample our premium content.
    • Perfect for students and those on a tight budget.
    • Enrollment includes three months of access.
  • Cannabis for Pain

    This seminar teaches the latest cannabis for pain research
    Valid for 3 months
    • One dozen homework assignments, including review.
    • Based entirely on peer-reviewed scientific research studies.
    • Easy to understand homework written in plain English.
    • Developed specifically for cannabis industry professionals.
    • Higher Learning LV's least expensive training assets.
    • A great way to sample our premium on-demand content.
    • Perfect for students and those on a tight budget.
    • Enrollment includes three months of access.
  • Deep Dive — Annual

    Every year
    Annual subscription to our growing Deep Dive collection.
    • Exclusive access to two new Deep Dive articles every month.
    • Investigations of important topics to the cannabis industry.
    • All Deep Dive articles based in peer-reviewed studies.
    • Each Deep Dive is 1000+ words, with some featuring 3000+.
    • Address many critical topics to the cannabis industry.
    • Topics covered include CBD for arthritis and mood disorders.
    • More topics covered include the ECS and depression.
    • More topics covered: Cannabis testing compliance costs.
  • Executive Training

    Personalized training for busy professionals + executives
    Valid for 3 months
    • Three one-hour one-on-one video training sessions.
    • Sessions scheduled via Zoom at convenience of client.
    • Includes personalized email + Google Doc support.
    • Video recordings of training sessions available.
    • Additional hours available for $200 per hour.
    • Fully customized training sessions.
    • Clients dip into Higher Learning LV's full asset catalog.
    • Our most exclusive and customized service.
    • For time-constrained managers, founders, and executives.
  • Education Patron (Monthly)

    Every month
    Support Higher Learning LV's costy-free training assets
    • Fund development of our no-cost training assets.
    • Help thousands of students who can't afford formal training.
    • Your donation funds development of research-based training.
    • Your donation supports interviews with industry experts.
    • Your support helps us fight cannabis stigma and ignorance.
  • Education Patron (Annual)

    Every year
    Support Higher Learning LV's cost-free training assets.
    • Fund development of our no-cost training assets.
    • Help thousands of students who can't afford formal training.
    • Your donation funds development of reeserch-based training.
    • Your donation supports interviews with industry experts.
    • Your support helps us fight cannabis stigma and ignorance.

Enterprise Pricing

Higher Learning LV offers special enterprise pricing that discounts our public enrollment fees by up to 67 percent. Companies with a minimum of 10 employees who require training can save significantly with an annual contract. All Enterprise Annual Agreements include limited email and Zoom support   

Higher Learning LV

There are many ways to learn from us, including 👇🏽

Teaching the Commerce + Chemistry of Cannabis™

Did You Know?

The cannabis genome produces 100+ cannabinoids, 150+ terpenes, and 20 flavonoids.

These phytomolecules interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) to produce wellness.

But it gets complex. Biphasic response curves, biosynthetic pathways, and acidic precursors all commingle. Subscribe to learn how. 

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